Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Whale Sound



The Whale Sound

By Roger Dean Kiser

This is the story of a deaf boy and a boy living in an orphanage who becomes soul friends without really knowing it or understanding why.

This story is nonfiction, is realistic, believable and can happen in the real world.


Have students research what the health condition is of a person who is deaf and dumb and explain what they think would be challenges with the conditions.

Have children research orphanages, why children end up in them, what are the challenges with them?

Can the student s find positive conditions of both of these?

This story is an example of the Saint Leo University value of Respect. The ‘bullies’ in this story show no respect in the behaviors toward the deaf boy; however, the friend is a good example of Respect. He shows respect and dignity in helping the deaf boy. He understands that people are different and that we must learn to live harmoniously.

(Kiser, 2001)
Kiser, R. D. (2001). The Whale Sound . Retrieved from ShortStories: http://www.eastof the


1 comment:

  1. Wow! This sounds like a very interesting book.

    Some activities I would do is:

    1.)Have the kids learn American Sign Language or at least show them the Alphabet and have them do it with me.

    2.)Have the children write in their journals what they think it would be like living in an orphanage after talking about it as a group.
