Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Time-Sweepers

BLOG # 10

The Time-Sweepers

By Ursula Wills-Jones                                                     

People who collect up all the time that is wasted are called Time-Sweepers.  This is a great story on realizing the time that we waste and giving examples of how we are doing it. Some waste time intentionally and others by lack of choice.  Waiting on trains and taxi and in doctors’ offices, waiting on decisions to be made or in making them, and in spending time in the malls, dull meetings and missed appointments, counting every minute and loathing the hours. Ever wonder what happens to the time we waste- it is recycled!

The story of Time-Sweepers is fiction however; the story itself of how we waste time is factual.


1-      Have students make a list of everything thing they did today that was a waste of time

2-      How could they have made positive use of the time?

3-      In the story-time is recycled, have the students explain what that means and discuss the ideas in the story

I enjoyed this story, it really pointed out some ways that time is wasted that we just don’t think about. We are rushing our lives by, time is flying and we can never get it back. We go into work on Monday’s and immediately started counting the hours till Friday not thinking that when Friday gets here we just rush another week of our lives by. We have aged another five days, what we have said or done is over and gone. We need to make every minute count. Today is all we have – make the best of it.


(Wills-Jones, 2012)

Wills-Jones, U. (2012, March). The Time-Sweepers. Retrieved from Shortstories : http://www.eastof the

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