Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Blog #4


This is a very simple book of only 27 pages  filled with cute art work that through actions of the ‘Invisible Alligators’ helps children recognize behaviors in themselves  that sometimes they are not aware they have.  Very simple lessons such as if you leave something out in the walkway, someone may trip over it, the lesson being that a child has learned to pick items up and put them out of the way.


The genre of this story is fantasy because the story is about a problem that a young monkey named Sari is having and the invisible alligators causing problems.

Motivational Activities:

Ask children to think of things they have learn to do after reading the story.  Follow up with their comments to see how many other students realize that they know how to do these types of things also.

Have children come up with their own make believe ‘trouble makers’ and then explain how the ‘trouble makers’ actually help solve the problem.

This book is very helpful in getting children to understand their importance in their environment.  Each child is important to those are around them (family, school, friends) and this story can help them figure out how each positive thing they do, no matter how small, it important .

Hayes Roberts also wrote illustrated The Wiener Dog Magnet and The Brave Monkey Pirate.  He is continuing his drawings, monkeys and other things at http://bluebison.net

Roberts, H. (2009). Invisible Alligators. Retrieved from Magickeys.com: http://www.magickeys.com/books/

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