Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Doth the Little Busy Bee


How Doth the Little Busy Bee

By Isaac Watts



The title caught my eye and I enjoyed the poem. For children the ‘Little Busy Bee’ sounds like it would be something fun to read. Not intimidating or difficult. The poem was easy to read and with the rhymes and the beat is made it fun to read. The simple yet very powerful lesson the little busy bee teaches is a good one for people of all ages. Idle hands lead to mischief, keep oneself focused, enjoy life, learn and grow and always look ahead, plan for tomorrow and make every day count.

This poem is a form of narrative poetry that tells the story of the little busy bee. It has the character, the bee, has a plot, not to have idle hands, and it has a theme, the busy bees look at life This poem meets the quality of poetry in that the content is interesting to readers of all ages and in easy to understand. The words used are easy to associate with such as the ‘busy bee’, ‘opening flower’, and ‘idle hands’. The arrangement of the poem is logical and flows very easy. 



1-Have students explain what they think a ‘busy bee’ is. What does it mean, is it really a bee? Why do we associate a bee with being busy?


2-Reaseach the behaviors or bees? What do they do? Have students give examples of things they do to be ‘busy bees’ or are they ‘idle handers’?





Watts, I. (2011, November 21). the reade ronline. Retrieved from thereaderonline:

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