Sunday, October 7, 2012




By Sushma Joshi

This is the story of Gopi, who at ten years of age misses the opportunity to taste cheese brought back from Switzerland that was considered ambrosia (almost food from the God’s). For twenty years Gopi is obsessed with what that cheese would taste like but time, money and family obligations keep him from traveling into town and buying a costly wedge.  When Gopi does buy the object of his desire for over 20 years he finds that it is not what he expected and it makes him sick.

This story is nonfiction as it is believable and realistic.


1-bring in several varieties of chees and have students find out where they come from, what makes them different in taste, color and texture

2-have students find a recipe from Switzerland and Nepal. Compare them; see what ingredients are local and what are different. (Joshi, 2005)
I thought this was a great story in that what we think we want may not be what is truly good for us. Sometimes we let our desires get in the way of good judgement only to find that nature teaches us a lesson in the long run.
Joshi, S. (2005, May). Cheese. Retrieved from East of the Web: