Sunday, October 7, 2012

It Could Happen

It Could Happen....

By Carol Moore, Illustrated by Aura Moser

This is a story of the world all being one color, how people look at each other and everything around them. How long and how quickly it takes to accept change. As colors change do outlooks change? A story of how people handle things that are different from us.

This story is fantasy in that the world itself and everything in it is of one color but it is a good lesson on accepting things as they are and not isolating those that are different.


1- Have students make a list of everything they see about themselves that is different for others in the class. Have students read the list and see if they really are the only one in the class who is different. Often we find that we are much more alike than we think.

2- Make a card box, choose areas of the world that have major different cultures, write countires or areas on cards, have each student pick a card, reseach the area and then have each student tell what is different about the country they studied.

I enjoyed this story in that it gave a example of what the world would be like if we were all the same, and unfortunatly how to many of us treat people who are different from us.

Moore, C. (n.d.). It Could Happen . Retrieved from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like this story It could happen. I think I am going to go out and get a copy because it seems like a great book to have the collection. I like the story of how everyone being the same can be a little boring. I think reading a book like this can be a really good discussion on respecting each other differences and embracing the difference instead of being scared of it. An activity that you could have the students do is split them up by two and have the students interview each other. Then the students can do like a get to know you board of the classmate they interviewed. They can put all types of things on the board to explain why the classmate is special and unique. Another activity you can have the kids do to have them paint or draw a self portrait. Then they can use adjectives to describe their own characteristics.
