Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Beaky and Squeaky



Beaky and Squeaky

by Dandi Palmer  


I thought the book was a very cute book showing how behaviors of animals often mimic the behaviors of humans. This book was simple, easy to follow and understand and had a little touch of excitement too. The behavior of the macaw was comical yet wrong but was a normal reaction to jealousy in that she wanted to get rid of the competition. The help of the dolphins was not unusual as we have seen in real life how that breed of mammal will retrieve items and actually bring things to shore.


This story uses “high” fantasy. It is lighthearted with cute characters and simple dialog but touches on good and evil. The animals in the story act human like in displaying jealousy and the desire to want to help. I did not classify this as animal fantasy since I did not see the animals being thought of as humans. The animals in the story acted as animals might in reality.



1-Ask the students to think about, find pictures of and research animals(s) that they have seen or think can understand human commands

2-Discussed the behaviors of the above animal suggestions and evaluate if their actions are truly reactions to human commands or is it part of their natural nature






Palmer, D. (2002). Beaky and Squeaky.

Retrieved from


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